Current Litters
Updated 04/25/2024

Lola’s litter of Medium, Multigen Bernedoodles


Lola/Charlie have a GORGEOUS litter of nine medium, multigen bernedoodles. There are five males and four females in this diverse litter ranging from caramel/white, black/white, tri-colors and merles. Most have a  unique white blaze on their foreheads. This litter will be in the 35-50 pound range at maturity and have very low to non-shedding coats. Go home dates will be May 16-18th, just in time for summer vacation. Reservations are now being accepted. Please email or call 805-459-9110 for additional information or to secure a position on our reservation list.

                                                                                                         1.  Available (via our Preferred Puppy Program- see Pricing page for details)

                                                                                                         2.   Reserved by Kelly and Kevin

                                                                                                         3.   Reserved by APBC

                                                                                                         4.  Reserved by Emily and Paul

                                                                                                       5-9.  Available

Born 03/21/24– Currently 5 weeks old

Lola Ora f 4.25.24

Orange Collar Male

Lola Red M 4.25.24

Red Collar Male

Lola Bla M 2.25.24

Black Collar Male

Lola Sil f 4.25.24

Silver Collar Female

Lola Pur2 f 4.25.24

Purple Collar Female

Lola Pin f 4.25.24

Pink Collar Female

Lola Gol f 4.25.24

Gold Collar Female

Lola Grn M 2.25.24

Green Collar Male

Lola Blu M 2.25.24

Blue Collar Male


*Please know that we estimate size and weight of your fully grown puppy based on the size and weight of it’s dam and sire. Just as in families with children, genetics may throw a curve ball from time to time and there can be exceptions to this rule. We cannot guarantee size.


*All photos on this site may be subject to copyright.*